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accelerate your time-to-messaging, improve your results from messaging, increase conversions and improve your customer success.
Our global customers rely on text message templates to profile new prospects, quickly launch marketing campaigns, enable rapid responses for sales and service reps, and to enhance their overall messaging effectiveness.
Text message templates for business also ensure that your message structures, sizes, and content are compliant with your carrier’s requirements, significantly increasing the delivery success of your messages.
Even though the underlying use cases and message campaigns are similar across all industries, every industry has unique content requirements for their messages. That’s why industry-specific SMS templates are important.
Target audiences, and your offers to them, vary significantly by industry:
The differences described alone demonstrate why you need specific templates for your industry. That’s why SMS-Magic offers industry-specific content templates, to accelerate your messaging deployments.
To optimize your messaging strategy’s success, you need to be sure to leverage SMS solutions designed specifically for your industry. SMS templates are a key aspect of these solutions.
Our customers find that SMS templates are very powerful. We’ve put together this simple Insider’s Guide to Using Text Message Templates in Business to share some of our most popular uses cases and their related templates. It’s a must have for anyone using business text messaging.
Just click below to download this insightful guide.
Nov 07, 2019
Jan 19, 2018
Oct 31, 2019
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