Create a New Campaign with a Converse App

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Create a New Campaign with a Converse App


Follow these steps to create a new campaign using a Converse App:


1. Click the Create New Campaign button.

2. In the popup window, enter the Campaign Name, Objective, and Description.

3. Click the Create button to continue.




4. At the top of the Campaign Builder page (see the figure below), you'll see a summary of the information you entered in the popup. Click the small Edit link to edit the summary information.

5. Choose a recipient list from the Object drop-down. From List View, choose the list view for which you want to run this campaign, and also choose the Phone Field that you want to target in this campaign.

6. In the Campaign Type section, click the Select from Converse App button. Then, click the first Select button to choose the trigger message if you want to send a bulk SMS. Also, click the Select button to choose a Converse App.




7. Selecting a trigger message is similar to selecting a SMS template from SMS-Magic Templates library or Converse Templates. In the Modify Template popup, you'll find options for choosing and optionally modifying a template to use with the campaign.  

8. Optionally, edit the Template Name, note the Object that corresponds to the previous choice you made in the drop-down, edit the Template Text, and choose the Sender ID that you want to use when sending the message.




9. Click the other Select button to choose a Converse App. On the Select Converse App page, you'll see the list of Converse Apps that are available to you, and also a section that would contain any Converse Apps that you might modify in the future.

10. To modify an app, hover over its panel and then click on the Modify button.




11. A popup will appear in which you can edit the message flows of the app. Edit the message flows according to your requirement and save it.


NOTE: After saving, a copy of modified app will appear in the section at the bottom–Converse Apps modified by you.





12. Return to the Campaign Page and see that the chosen template appears in the Trigger Message section, together with the Sender ID that will be used. The chosen Converse App will also be shown there.




13. At the bottom of the page, choose when you want to execute the campaign. Execute Now will send the message the moment click the Save Campaign button. Click Schedule for Later to set the campaign for execution at a future time.

14. If you choose Schedule for Later, a popup will appear in which you can choose a Date, Time, and Time Zone on which you want to send the message.




15. Click the Campaign Preview link at the bottom of the page to see the preview of the campaign configuration. Click Close Preview to dismiss the popup window and then click Save Campaign to commit your changes on this campaign.

