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Never Miss A High Stakes Conversation With Your Prospects And Customers

98% Open-rate
45% Response rate to texts
85% Prefer text over call/email

Personalized Messaging Solutions For All Types Of Businesses

icons - legal Legal Services
  • Accelerate client intakes
  • Manage case file document collection
icon real estate Real Estate & Property Management
  • Instant lead management
  • Automate application processes
icon staffing hr Staffing and HR
  • Specialized and compliant employee communications
  • Prequalify candidates automatically
icon broker Brokers
  • Trigger communications when the time is right
  • Close business opportunities with interactive messaging
icons - legal
Legal Services
  • Accelerate client intakes
  • Manage case file document collection
icon real estate
Real Estate & Property Management
  • Instant lead management
  • Automate application processes
icon staffing hr
Staffing and HR
  • Specialized and compliant employee communications
  • Prequalify candidates automatically
icon broker
  • Trigger communications when the time is right
  • Close business opportunities with interactive messaging

Important Conversations At Every Step Of The Customer Journey

start conversation
Start Conversations - Welcome and qualify inquiries

Profile new inquiries to understand their interests and opportunities,  and prequalify them as leads.

Guide Decision
Guide Decisions - Give advice, book appointments and exchange documents

Address customer questions and concerns, help them make decisions and use your products and solutions. 

Deliver service
Deliver Services - Send updates, offer support and build trust

Alert customers about upcoming deadlines and offer support services over messaging to deliver the best customer service levels.

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See The Magic Yourself

Click on or scan the QR code to enter an automated Whatsapp chat - experience what your own customer conversations could look like!

Messaging For Every Type Of Customer Interaction

Pre-Built Messaging And Campaigns For All Types Of Professional Services

Ready-to-go Integrations for CRM-Personalized Messaging

SMS Magic Experts Can Make It Easy For You

  • Faster SMS Magic onboarding and set-up.
  • Manage 10DLC registration requirements for all your numbers.
  • Set-up multichannel messaging.
  • Ensure your messaging strategy complies with mandatory communication compliance rules.
  • Optimize performance dashboards for message monitoring.
  • Message strategy consulting to support your business objectives integration set-up.

Messaging For Every Type Of Customer Interaction

Frame 9605@2x Earn and Keep More Clients

Use messaging to convert more inquiries into clients and to simplify paperwork.

Frame 9624@2x Minimize Compliance Risks

Communicate with clients in a timely and secure way over messaging channels.

Frame 9623@2x Drive Retention and loyalty

Serve customers over messaging to improve their experience and satisfaction.

Frame 9625@2x Comprehensive Digital Channel Integrations

Use messaging to convert more inquiries into clients and to simplify paperwork.


“We average a 59% response rate from clients to text message surveys."

Craig GarberCFO, LifeMoves

"We were missing 58% of incoming calls. Now we answer 80% + of all incoming enquiries.”

Ajaz ElahiDirector


SAVE 15%



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We Are Here To Help

How does SMS Magic ensure secure message content is safe and confidential over messaging?

SMS Magic transmits messages using RSA 2048 encryption – messages are “unreadable, undecipherable and unusable”. We also don’t store any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) at our end. All messages and files exchanged over messaging are ultimately saved into your secure case management systems rendering them accessible only by authorized personnel. 

Besides, the SMS Magic application is hosted in data centers in the U.S., Europe, and Australia. You can choose to store your data in any of these three locations. To ensure complete data security and privacy for our clients, we underwent ISO 27001 compliance certification in 2017.

Can I use SMS Magic to automate the secure delivery of legal documents via messaging?

Yes. You can share password-protected files using the SMS Magic messaging solution. You may alternatively use SMS Magic messaging to send and require OTPs to enable access to confidential legal documents on your portal.

I need to reach clients across the globe. Which countries does SMS Magic support messaging for?

SMS Magic partners with telecom carriers across the globe and supports multi-regional compliances to help you send and receive messages with stellar delivery rates across 190+ countries. If you serve clients globally, SMS Magic is your messaging solution!

Does SMS Magic integrate with my CRM or case management system?

Yes. SMS Magic integrates with your case management system or CRM and document management systems to centralize all messages and files..

How can SMS Magic enable compliance with messaging regulations? SMS Magic helps you adhere to privacy and messaging regulations such as 10DLC, TFN, GDPR, TCPA, CASL, and CCPA.
Can we message customers or clients using SMS Magic from our cell phones and mobile device? Yes. SMS Magic mobile app helps you stay connected and respond promptly to client messages when they are on the road for meetings, site visits, sales calls, or simply not available to receive calls at their desk.
Does SMS Magic enable easy search and retrieval of messages and conversations? Yes. SMS Magic offers tight integration with your case management systems. It unifies and attaches all message exchanges under the right case and client records in a chronological fashion, for easy retrieval throughout the case lifecycle and beyond.
Using SMS Magic, can I set message and document retention and deletion policies? Yes. SMS Magic lets you control how long you want to store messages and documents exchanged over messages. And lets you securely delete them when necessary.
Can I register my existing phone numbers with SMS Magic for compliant messaging? Yes, you can connect your long codes, toll-free numbers, or short codes with SMS Magic in one of the three ways:
Use your existing number and telecom provider
Use your existing number with SMS Magic’s providers
Get a new texting number from SMS Magic

You can also use SMS Magic with your Twilio, Aircall, Vonage, Talk Desk, or contact center numbers. For setting up non-SMS channels like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and LINE, please refer to respective channel pages
Over which channels will I be able to send compliant messages? SMS Magic helps you send compliant messages through SMS (short codes, long codes, toll-free numbers), WhatsApp, Instagram, Chatbot and more..
How do you ensure optimal delivery of SMS messages? SMS Magic ensures high delivery rates for your bulk messages by automatically taking care of message throttling, carrier guidelines, and channel policies (such as for WhatsApp).
Does SMS Magic enable messaging on toll-free numbers? Yes, SMS Magic supports messaging on toll-free numbers in a compliant manner. It also initiates messaging based on missed call events by integrating with your voice calling technology.
Will I be able to comply with WhatsApp messaging guidelines? Yes, SMS Magic helps you enforce WhatsApp registered templates for business-initiated messaging (outside the 24-hour response window).
Is there a minimum or maximum number of messages that can be sent per month? No, as long as you have sufficient message credits in your account and abide by the telecom or channel guidelines (aka volume tiers), you can send as many messages as you like, each month.
What types of messages are not allowed or prohibited? Sending messages that are unwanted, non-personal, or that publish falsehoods, have offensive content, spam audiences, or engage in illegal, threatening, intimidating, hateful, and racially or ethnically inappropriate behavior is prohibited. Also, you must never request and exchange personal health information or payment credentials over messaging.